Quit the awkward sales pitch.

Ever notice how your pitch never lands the way you think? What if you didn’t have to guess about what your clients need, want, and value?

This will happen when you shift how you sell your services away from persuasion hacks, manipulation, and convincing to focusing on creating alignment and partnership around your highest service and value.

The Transformative Sales Workshop

Quit transactional sales – Turn your pitch into a paid partnership in any 30-minute client conversation

Effortlessly package and sell your skillset and value as a freelancer, agency owner, coach, or consultant.

Don’t sell you, transform them.

How to have a sales conversation for agency owners, coaches, consultants, freelancers, and first-time service providers

Sell Any Skillset Authentically.

Learning to confidently communicate your value in conversations will help you earn more and attract better opportunities, for life.

Where could building more confidence in selling yourself take you?

Maybe you…

• Have built a skillset and experience…but don’t know how to turn that into income?

• Have a service you sell… but you aren’t sure how to make it sustainable and long-term?

• You want to attract better clients at higher prices…but how do you do that?

You might know how to talk to people or connect, but do you know how to turn that connection into a client or opportunity?

This happens easily and effortlessly when you learn how to lead someone through a transformative conversation that has them asking you “what’s next?” and “how can we work together?”

We’ll teach you how.

Earn more from your skillset & service

A hard truth: Clients don’t care about your process. They don’t care about your pitch. They care about being transformed, which starts with how you talk to them.

The way to earning more, charging higher prices, is to understand how to create an elegant buying experience. This creates a partnership not a sale.

Let’s aim to transform and give value, not “sell” “persuade” or “hack.” It will feel better and help earn you more.


  • "I have friends and connect well with people but they don't buy from me"

  • “I have a hard time communicating what I actually do”

  • “I keep packaging and repackaging bespoke offers to everyone.”

  • “I struggle to make money sustinably from my service”

  • “I feel like a snakeoil-salesman”

  • “I have random success in booking clients, but don’t have a repeatable system.”


  • Seek to make an impact, not validation

  • Focus on the relationship, not the sale

  • Work with their energy, not yours

  • Use your curiosity like a compass

  • Understand what they value, not what you value

  • Transform them even if they don’t buy from you

“He helped me to see the value in what I offer and how to communicate that value authentically to clients.

For anyone looking to transform their relationship with sales, and in turn, transform their professional trajectory, I highly recommend working with David on any training program he creates within this topic.”

—  Kelly Wilde Miller; Artist & Creative Embodiment Coach