Testimonials from Clients

I work in an ongoing basis with founders, CEO’s, and solopreneurs as their businesses scale.

Trusted partner 50+ Founders & Entrepreneurs…

— Matthew Jung, prev CEO Last Crumb, Partner at Forward Consumer

“I’ve been working with David for years now as my own professional role has changed: first as a Founder, then as CEO, and now as an Investor

Throughout that journey, the conversation has dramatically changed to a new level of awareness that has allowed me to settle into my strengths, communicate more clearly, and grow in new, deeper ways. 

David helps create an environment that can move as fast or as slow as needed to focus on the right conversations without bringing his own perspective or bias into the process. His work is as a sherpa helping create the space for me to work out concepts and connect the dots.

— Jennie Yoon, Founder of Kinn

“He truly understands the challenges and what it's like being a founder.

Together we not only pinpointed the source of a given issue, but he led me to find a path to a solution.

Telling my personal story and my brand's narrative with clarity and confidence was why I first sought out David as a coach.

What I found instead is something much greater than what I'd anticipated—feeling empowered as a founder, allowing me to lean into my intuition.

David created a space for me where I could be utterly honest, without any filters.

— Jordi Hays, Founder Capital & Branded Native

"He’s the reason my company still exists + is bigger than ever even though I haven’t worked on it full-time in years.

He coached me and improved my business in countless ways, super thoughtful in business and life."

— Clayton Chambers, Writer of Sprezza

David helped me take a step back, examine my options at a glance, and prioritize them accordingly. It's helped me move with clarity and focus like never before.

Before meeting with David, I had trouble knowing what I really wanted to work on. There were a million things I wanted to do, but I was unsure how to organize them.

— Raph Farsat, Owner of Truffl, an Award-winning branding studio

“David understands both business and creativity.

He’s able to meet you where you are, but he also knows when to ask the right questions to make you think about things in a different way.

After our work together I feel more excited each day about the things I have to tackle.

And I don't feel like I have an endless task list that I can never get to the end of.

— Katy Aterholt, Co-founder of Seam

“His coaching style combines an intuitive yet pragmatic approach with relevant knowledge of tech and startups.

I think folks who have typically worked with more of a "cheerleader" or "therapist" type coach and are looking for something more pragmatic and grounded.

Our coaching work has been a steady guide throughout the past few years and provided a space to return to where I can better understand why things are challenging for me, how much progress I'm making, and continue to pursue steady growth.

— Azul Terronez, 1M+ views TED speaker, Creator of Authors Who Lead

"If you're looking for someone to help you grow your brand get clarity... but do it in a way that are in line with who you are, there's no better guy than David."

— Adrian Grant-Alfieri, CEO of Verbatim

“There's a big difference between pinging your founder friends and having someone dedicated to your business.

David became much more than a coach. He became a right-hand person who was part of the business, which is really rare.”

— Christian Bender, Founder of Golden Podcasts

"Since I started working with David, my revenues have increased about 50% and I’ve taken the time I spent on the business down 30%, which I never thought would be possible.

He's so good at helping you think through your work, do it intelligently, and helping me arrive at insights or conclusions on my own.